The Hoyland & District


 H & D.Q.L.

Quiz League


Text Box: This site was last updated on:      Thursday, 03 October 2024

Opening night on 17th October @ Hare & Hounds:  Print-outs of the suggested timetable of fixtures will be available.  The web site will be fully updated after opening night.




Meeting 14th Mar 2024


Teams present: WHAR, H&HA, H&HB, COMM

Apologies for absence: NONE

Minutes of previous meeting: Accepted.

Disputes – week 7:  There was a lengthy & heated discussion. The final outcome was that rules were not followed ON THE NIGHT and a rule review was suggested for the AGM.

Draw for all rounds of the Handicap Cup: See below:

Change of date for Presentation night: Due to a clash with an England match, Pres. Night will be on WED 19/6/24 

Venues & Q setters for Pairs, Closing night & SGMT: Pairs @ H&H, Rob W Qs.  Pres. Night @ COMM with Alex setting Qs.  SGMT @ Hillies Golf with Ian setting Qs.

A.O.B:  None.

Date & Time of Next meeting: AGM on 19/9/24 @ H&H.


Draw for the Handicap Cup:


Preliminary:  WHAR v TTTI (Q’s by HHA)


Semi finals:


SF2  WIN PRE v H&HA    ( Q’s by PRE losers)


Final: WIN SF1 v WIN SF2 ( Q’s by loser SF1)